但大约1小时后,很多用户支付了10年的款项,但是域名却未到账,同时查询whois所注册的域名仍显示未注册状态,经与godaddy客服沟通,给出的答复大概是这样的: Thank you for staying connected, I have checked the domain status and It appears the domain 某某某.lol is in status 11. Status 11 means the registration failed. We attempt registration 3 times within 48 hours of the purchase. During this time do not repurchase the domain as this could cause further issues and delays. if the registration still fails, a refund will be automatically processed after it has been 48 hours from the initial purchase.
后续经了解,godaddy应该是给的福利,lol域名注册首年仅需支付ICANN的0.18美元费用,但是却设置错误,导致注册10年也是按此收费了。 同时有用户爆出,注册了6个lol导致账户被lock,要求用户上传证件解锁账户。godaddy如此操作略显不够地道。 最后的消息确认,godaddy域名近期已经被墙,预计godaddy后续在中国的业务会受到较大的影响。